Sharing Ministries Blog

Posts Tagged ‘drowning

Listening to the Word of God today EXPECTING to hear answers to questions I have just about today – I heard EXACTLY what I prayed for – show me the truth! Many of us (me included) complain about “where we are in life” ESPECIALLY if it is a “hard place.” For instance the economy today is a hard place – the job or the relationship you are in is a hard place. 

Jeremiah 29:11  & Mathew 19:26 are just two of the EXPLANATIONS of truth that tells us that (you got to read/study to know who YOU REALLY ARE) God knows the plans HE has for me & you and – God knows all things are possible. “Drowning in water you should be walking on” is indicative that we are put in places where there is friction, confusion, turmoil, deceit, etc. in order to fulfill the purpose of victorious living – victorious living in ANY circumstance!.

For years I could not get a quietness in my spirit when I would feel defeated drowning in my challenges because I allowed others and/or outcomes to direct and destroy my focus of having fortified faith.Lately, I have seen clearly what religious people represent – the rules, the regiments the routines – you know what I am speaking of. Yes I was “Drowning in Water I should be Walking on top of.” Bishop T.D. Jakes – that preacher is able to break the Word (as is my Pastor Chad A. White, Sr.) bombshell pieces and let it EXPLODE in a person’s spirit – if that person is willing to forget what their carnal mind tells them and believe and abide in doing EVERYTHING God’s way. Well, I wasn’t willing to doing EVERYTHING God’s way…oh but lately!!!! I have been tried, tested, twisted, turned, tossed, tangled and I prayed for a closer walk – a deep talk with the Holy Spirit and I FINALLY GOT IT (again)! It is a plan of purpose that I follow the pain of this process called life. I am so thankful I could scream! I need every hurt and hinderance – my character is being cemented for Christ!!! Thank you Lord for tears, tares and torture of being around people who put you on one day and take you off the next – I used to do the same. Thank you for the transformation that is happening daily in my life. WOW it gets so uncomfortable but I thank you. 

Right now – together let’s shout a big thank you to our Heavenly Father for the following:

THANK YOU LORD for… fill in “your blanks”  then we can stop DROWNING IN WATER WE SHOULD BE WALKING ON TOP OF! 

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